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Latin American, Caribbean, 和 Latinx Studies


The Latin American, Caribbean 和 Latinx Studies program encourages students to live, work, study 和 volunteer in Latin American, Caribbean 和 Latinx communities.  We 提供 semester 和 academic year programsshort-term travel seminars.

A Semester Abroad

For students whose academic programs permit, LACLAS recommends spending at least one 学期在国外.  Skidmore affiliates with programs across the Americas.

There are LACLAS-approved study abroad opportunities in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Peru, 和 Turks 和 Caicos. Offering a wide range of courses as well as volunteer 和 internship opportunities, these programs welcome students with interests from multiculturalism or policy planning to ecology, history, literature, indigenous languages, 和 the 艺术,  

How can you find the right program? 

For current opportunities available through Off Campus Studies 和 Exchanges, click 在这里, use the search form to browse, or contact OCSE directly ( 

Classmates who studied abroad can be a good resource.  You can also ask Skidmore LACLAS教员.  They have attended universities, researched in archives, conducted field experiments in forests, interviewed leading cultural figures, 和 presented their findings at conferences throughout the hemisphere. So do not hesitate to ask them about their experiences or to help you imagine your own journey.

Travel Seminars 和 Alternate Spring Break

LACLAS教员 occasionally 提供 on-campus courses with two- 和 three-week travel seminars; to date, classes have traveled to the US/Mexico Border, Puerto Rico 和 古巴.  

In addition, since 2014, LACLAS has partnered with Skidmore's Office of Community Services to 提供 a 1-credit LACLAS course that prepares students to volunteer in Guatemala during spring break. The class invites students to think critically about Guatemala's past 和 present 和 about their own roles as international volunteers.  A faculty member accompanies the group to Guatemala to continue conversations on site 和 to build connections for students with academic 和 community partners.  在返回时, the group  organizes a presentation to the campus upon return. After working with Camino Seguro (Safe Passage) in Guatemala City, the program now partners with Planting Seeds in Antigua, Guatemala.