
COVID-19 policy updates, and protocols for the next two weeks



Thank you to all our students, faculty, and staff for adhering to the precautionary measures put in place to help ensure our safe return to campus. 我们一直很亲密 monitoring transmission and cases on campus and in the region and are confident that our testing, masking, and distancing measures in dining, combined with promising trends in declining caseloads locally and nationally, have successfully helped to mitigate 到目前为止,我们社区的重大病例.  

However, we must continue to exercise caution as the nationwide Omicron wave persists. To continue to protect the wellness of our community, effectively respond to cases, and minimize operational challenges as much as possible, the following guidelines will remain in place from Monday, Jan. 到星期五, 2月. 11: 


请注意: Rapid antigen tests are now available for purchase at The 火博体育商店. 


  • All eligible students must continue surveillance testing weekly (every seven days). 有效的简. 31、校内考试时间将开始 周日上午11点.m. 至下午6点.m.; Tuesday, 8 a.m. 到下午4:30.m.; and Wednesday, 8 a.m. 至5点.m. 每周一次. 请做相应的计划. 完整的测试时间表可以在这里查看
  • We encourage students who share a room to test on the same day, if possible, so that 他们的测试结果将同时到达. 
  • Individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19 should not test for 90 days following 初始阳性试验. Students who have recently tested positive must notify 通过电子邮件发送卫生服务 health@bellezhang.com to be exempted from surveillance testing requirements.  
  • While students who have recently tested positive do not need to participate in surveillance testing, they should contact Health 服务 for next steps if they become symptomatic. 


  • Any employee who has been approved by 人力资源 for an exemption from the vaccination 要求将以每周测试为准. 
  • Employees with circumstances that result in specific workplace-related concerns prompting them to seek a test within the College’s testing 程序 may contact 人力资源 at hr@bellezhang.com to discuss their unique circumstances and request a test through the College’s testing 程序. Such requests will be handled on a case-by-case basis and are subject to 测试资源的可用性. 


  • 1月1日星期一开始. 31、所有课程将由老师亲自授课. Faculty members who test positive for COVID-19 may temporarily teach remotely while 如果他们感觉良好,他们就会孤立自己. 同样,教职员工也必须关心 other members of their household or have unanticipated childcare needs due to school or daycare closures may also teach remotely for short periods as necessary but should 通知他们的系主任或项目主任. 教职员工也可以提出要求 temporary permission from the 学院院长 to teach remotely if a substantial number of their students are required to isolate and it becomes impractical to provide 为这么多缺课的学生提供教学机会. 


请注意: KN95 masks are now available for purchase at The 火博体育商店. 

  • 一个KN95掩码(或等价掩码,i).e.(N95或KF94) 在校园里的每个人,在室内和公共场所. 
  • Students in need of new or additional KN95 masks can pick them up at the Murray-Aikins testing site during testing hours or at Campus Safety outside of testing hours.  
  • For employees, individual departments may have one representative submit a request 如需额外口罩,请电邮至 facilities@bellezhang.com 安排接机.  


  • Murray-Aikins 餐厅 Hall will continue to operate with a 好选择. Limited, physically distanced seating will be provided in the 餐厅 Hall, The Spa, 和伯吉斯咖啡馆. Individuals must not move tables or chairs at any dining location. As a reminder, Murray-Aikins is currently open for student dining 只有.  


  • 更新:1月11日星期一生效. 31, external visitors are permitted on campus but are 须佩戴KN95口罩(或同等口罩,如.e.(N95或KF94) 当室内. 游客 must also show proof of vaccination and booster to the department, 项目或赞助访问的办公室. 
  • Non-Skidmore community members are not permitted in any student housing, regardless 疫苗接种和加强状态. 
  • Students may continue to visit others in residence halls, but 只有 每位居民一名访客 (他必须在场)是允许的.  
  • Students may continue to visit others in apartments, but as with residence halls, 只有 每位居民一名访客 (他必须在场)每次都是允许的.   
  • If you are in a room, apartment, or space other than your assigned residence, 需要口罩.  
  • Off-campus students are not permitted in on-campus housing and must follow the same guidelines as on-campus students at their own residences.  

The College will continue to assess and review these protocols as we monitor transmission and cases within our Skidmore community and the region during the next two weeks. 如有任何变化,我们将及时更新. 谢谢你的继续 attention to these guidelines and the health and well-being of our entire community.          



  • Donna Ng (Co-Chair), Vice President for Finance and Administration & 财务主管 
  • Gail Cummings-Danson (Co-Chair), Assistant Vice President for 学生事务 and 体育主任 
  • 莎拉·德莱尼·维罗,临时人力资源总监 
  • Pat Fehling, Associate 学院院长 and Professor for Health and Human Physiological 科学系 
  • Sara Miga, Director of External Relations and Strategic Communications 
  • 蒂姆·蒙罗,校园安全主管 
  • 布鲁斯·默里,设施部助理主任 
  • Kelley Patton-Ostrander, Assistant Vice President for Financial Planning & 辅助 服务 
  • Ann Marie Przywara, Associate Dean of 学生事务 for 住宅生活 
  • Julia Routbort, Associate Dean of 学生事务 for 健康与福利 
  • 安吉拉·瓦尔登,战略传播编辑